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On Monday 25th November TfL announced that they had refused to licence Uber. The LTDA welcome this news as essential to keeping London and Londoners safe and recognise the decision was taken purely on the grounds of public safety and that it was the right decision. Uber immediately announced that it would appeal the decision and launched an attack on TfL in the media. This became a major news item across the World with the LTDA featuring in many of the reports as we sought to counter Ubers messaging surrounding the scandal of 14,000 trips undertaken by incorrect and possibly unlicensed drivers.
The LTDA had previously set out a strong case to support the licence refusal and our lawyers immediately wrote to TfL and Uber stating our interest in the case and setting out strong grounds for our continued involvement as an interested party in any licensing hearings. The latest letter is here.
Some of the other coverage can be seen here:
Nov 2019
Nov 2019
Nov 2019